PHONE: (440) 708-0582
In accordance with Ohio law, this center must inform you that we are not required to honor and do not honor DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) directives. A healthcare power of attorney will be honored.
If a patient should provide his/her advance directive a copy will be placed on the patient’s medical record and transferred with the patient should a hospital transfer be ordered by his/her physician.
At all times the patient or his/her representative will be able to obtain any information they need to give informed consent before any treatment or procedure.
In order to assure that the community is sewed by this facility, information concerning advance directives is available at the facility. While the state of Ohio does not have required a specific form for an advanced directive, sample forms are available at the center’s office. To obtain this form and information, please call 216-286-ENDO (3636).
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